

View frequently asked questions (FAQ) for Virginia Public School Authority Bonds.

General Questions

Why Buy Virginia Public School Authority Bonds?

Bonds issued by the Virginia Public School Authority finance capital improvements, technology improvements and security equipment for local school districts across the Commonwealth.

The VPSA's School Financing Bonds (1997 Resolution), which are backed by principal and interest payments on general obligation school bonds issued by Virginia localities to VPSA along with a State Aid Intercept provision and a Sum Sufficient Appropriation by the Commonwealth, are rated AA+/Aa1/AA+ by Fitch, Moody's and Standard and Poor's rating agencies respectively. The VPSA's School Technology and Security Notes, which are backed by appropriations from the Commonwealth from the Literary Fund and the General Fund, are also rated AA+/Aa1/AA+.

How can I purchase Virginia bonds?

You can purchase Virginia bonds through your brokerage firm.

What are the ratings on Virginia Public School Authority bonds?

The VPSA's School Financing Bonds (1997 Resolution), which are backed by principal and interest payments on general obligation school bonds issued by Virginia localities to VPSA along with a State Aid Intercept provision and a Sum Sufficient Appropriation by the Commonwealth, are rated AA+/Aa1/AA+ by Fitch, Moody's and Standard and Poor's rating agencies respectively. The VPSA's School Technology and Security Notes, which are backed by appropriations from the Commonwealth from the Literary Fund and the General Fund, are also rated AA+/Aa1/AA+.

What is the dollar amount of the bonds?

The bonds are usually in increments of $5,000.

What is the typical maturity of the bonds?

Bonds can vary in maturity date from one to 30 years.

What is the interest rate(s) on the bonds?

Interest rates are determined on the date of sale and can vary depending on the term of the bond, market conditions, investor demand, and security structure.